My Peyton is such a compassionate girl. She is also energetic and loves being active. She is also very helpful. Sometimes she will get Macy ready for bed, by changing her diaper, jammies on and brushing her teeth..she even asks often to change a poopy diaper, which I have not yet allowed! What a great big sister she is.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
It's been awhile since I've blogged so I'm going through pictures and this caught my eye. My boy Easton has grown SO much since this pic. And I'm a bit sad because we are taking a break from soccer this year. He played for 5 years. Life is just a bit crazy to have 2 kids in soccer which means 5 days per week.
Right now the kids are taking music lessons, Easton is loving the guitar and Peyton is doing great at piano. So proud of how hard they work!!
Right now the kids are taking music lessons, Easton is loving the guitar and Peyton is doing great at piano. So proud of how hard they work!!
Baby Panda
Over the winter Peyton played her first season of basketball. I was pretty excited for her as it was "my sport" when I was younger. Lots of fond memories! So when I signed her up I said..."Hey I wouldn't mind being an assistant coach". A couple weeks later I got an email saying thanks for being a is your team list!
What??? Anyways, it turned out really great. I had a blast and the kids, ages Kinder thru 2nd grade actually learned quite a bit. I think Peyton even liked having me as her coach. She did great, my spunky, competitive little girl. Wonder where she gets it?
What??? Anyways, it turned out really great. I had a blast and the kids, ages Kinder thru 2nd grade actually learned quite a bit. I think Peyton even liked having me as her coach. She did great, my spunky, competitive little girl. Wonder where she gets it?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Easter was fun this year...the sun was shining and all the kids still love hunting for eggs. We also LOVE brunch at Grandma Shirley's house...waffles, bacon, sausage, strawberries and whip cream, lots of fruit...YUM!
Monday, February 15, 2010
back tracking...
Do you ever get so behind on something that you just pain avoid it altogether? I get this way with lots of things. Laundry, bills, organizing clothes, and, yes...blogging. I just realized that I never blogged about Christmas or our Leavenworth trip. Ugh! It's already February!
Christmas was a blast as usual. The "real" Santa came for a visit to Jon's parents. You ask..."how do you know if it's the real one?" Well Easton says it has to dow with his boots. If they are "costume boots" or real boots. This Santa was so fun. We ALL got gifts. Macy was very patient...he called her name VERY LAST and she was SO excited to see him. 
Apparently you need some cool shades to make Christmas cookies as cute as these!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
saw this on a friend's blog...
@kellymooreclark is giving away a bag! Go enter to win!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Found some pics of my kids that I took while playing with my new camera. Easton just turned 9! Wow. I am have been so "busy" lately that I'm feeling convicted that I need to give some more one-on-one time with my kids before they turn into adults. Seems to be happening so fast!
This morning Peyton woke up crying and didn't stop. Toothache. So off we went to the dentist. Oh really, she has 2 absess teeth? I guess I get the bad mom award for the day. I mean, really, she has been complaining for awhile now, and I have been putting it off because, well, I'm just so "busy". So now we do antibiotics, and pain meds until her appt. for fixing the teeth along with a couple shiny silver caps. Oh Joy! One thing I am proud of husband. He has lost about 18 pounds! He has been working hard on changing his eating habits. I have been too, but you know, I'm a girl which means a big disadvantage of losing weight. So my loss is much less and a constant work in progress. Way to go Jonny!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Hope you all survived the holiday season and LOVED it as much as I did! Yes, I'm still recovering. Yes, I still have mountains of laundry. Yes, I still have piles of little gifts in the play room. I keep seeing lots of blog posts that say they haven't blogged in forever. Yes, that's me too. I've been busy just like the rest of you. I just realized I never blogged about Halloween too. So here's a pic of the kids.
Also an update on all that furniture I was selling...I have sold most of it! The investment I put in to all that stuff was $1100. So far we have made over $2200 and have a few more big items to sell! It paid for our Leavenworth trip (which I will blog about soon!) and Christmas gifts! I'm hooked on Craig's List selling...
Well today is Easton's 9th birthday...I better go get some stuff done!
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