In March at Peyton's 4th birthday party she fell. The next day she said her wrist hurt, but insisted going to preschool because we were taking cupcakes for her birthday. I later took her to the doctor, sure enough, a broken arm. She got a purple and pink cast. What a trooper. She is a tough little girl.
Just before school started back up, Easton had a terrible accident at church. The kids were playing a game of running and spinning, lost his balance and hit a square metal pole. Fortunately there was a doctor there who helped. Again, to the ER we went. He got 22 stitches (7 on the membrane over his skull, 15 on the outside.) One of the most terrifying times of my life. He was pretty upset too, especially since he had to miss soccer, recess and PE for the first 3 weeks of school.